Colonia, dove tutto ha origine (Colony, where everything begins)
by Abele Vadacca
[Concept] A tribute to the cyclical nature of the seasons and the secret world beneath us. Materials from history and tradition such as clay, extracted for centuries from the Lombard moraine beds, shape a large and soft carpet, an allegory of the soil, invaded by sown eggs, a metaphor for rebirth.
Colonia, dove tutto ha origine, alludes to a surface while focusing attention on what lies beneath it: a hidden, vibrant, and pulsating soil.
Where the eye cannot see, the magic of birth is created.
Abele Vadacca Bellagio (CO)
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A few questions for Abele Vadacca
Let’s start from the roots, how does your story begin? My roots are in Salento. Raised among clods of red earth dusted by foreign winds that tasted of salt…