Galleria GALP "E se le donne nascessero dalla terra..."
(GALP Gallery “What if women were born from the soil…”)
by Borja Blanco
Two wooden sculptures: a man, whose feet merge with roots, and a woman, whose chest “breaks off” to display the cap of a mushroom, as if it were a skirt. The man shows a gesture of reluctance toward his feet-turned-roots; the woman, on the other hand, proudly (dis)plays the natural elegance of her mushroom-skirt, highlighting the pride in this freely lived connection with the soil.
The project artistically represents the artist’s desire: the masculine, looking to the feminine universe, reconnects with nature.
Borja Blanco per Galleria GALP Olgiate Comasco (CO)
Companies collaborating in the implementation
REALIZATION Company Name / First Name Last Name Designer City (Province) Website Social Contacts
PIANTW Company Name / First Name Last Name Designer City (Province) Website Social Contacts
SCULPTURES Company Name / First Name Last Name Designer City (Province) Website Social Contacts
A few questions for Borja Blanco
Let’s start from the roots, how does your story begin? After middle school, I attended a two-year course in metal turning and milling. At the end of these studies, a dear friend of mine passed away, and I went through a very dark period…