A gathering of colorful owls in iron and bronze watches over and protects the precious and vital gifts of the soil
The owl, a dominant predator, scholar, and ambassador of nature’s arcane wisdom, represents the animal kingdom that has never ceased to live in harmony with it.
In return for this respect, soil has always guarded the secrets of the animals. It elevates their lives in an endless (re)cycle, where everything begins and ends silently and with dignity in the soil
Giovanni Tamburelli Saluggia (VC)
Companies collaborating in the implementation
REALIZATION Company Name / First Name Last Name Designer City (Province) Website Social Contacts
PIANTW Company Name / First Name Last Name Designer City (Province) Website Social Contacts
SCULPTURES Company Name / First Name Last Name Designer City (Province) Website Social Contacts
A few questions for Giovanni Tamburelli
Let’s start from the roots, how does your story begin? I am the son and grandson of blacksmiths. Since childhood, I fell in love with iron and began creating animal shapes…