[Concept] Air, water, soil, and fire. A solid balance of natural elements that, interacting with each other, generate a continuous and regular flow of strength. Forty rusted iron parallelepipeds emerge from the ground, containing fire within. They are open towards the sky and reach out towards the lake’s water. The four elements complement each other in perfect harmony.
Lorenzo Guzzini Milan lorenzoguzziniarchitecture.com
Companies collaborating in the implementation
REALIZATION Company Name / First Name Last Name Designer City (Province) Website Social Contacts
PIANTW Company Name / First Name Last Name Designer City (Province) Website Social Contacts
SCULPTURES Company Name / First Name Last Name Designer City (Province) Website Social Contacts
A Few Questions for Lorenzo Guzzini
Let’s start from the roots, how does your story begin? I started painting as a young boy, and then I began studying architecture at university…