Nature reclaiming soil. Trees growing forcefully, breaking through architectures built by humans who failed to consider the vital presence of vegetation. Foliage able to regrow on the ruins of civilizations that cyclically go extinct, self-destruct, or fall into ruin after periods of splendor, often due to a lack of respect for natural resources. Urbanization, pollution, wars: poor human practices that severely test the soil and that, only thanks to the powerful resources of the plant world, can be neutralized.
A tribute to the strength of Mother Nature, capable, through her pytodepuration abilities, of remedying the damage caused by humans. Despite everything, beyond.
Vaprio Zanoni
Green Design Casalpusterlengo (LO)
Furio Ferri Animum Ludendo Coles Lodi (LO)
Companies collaborating in the implementation
REALIZATION Company Name / First Name Last Name Designer City (Province) Website Social Contacts
PIANTW Company Name / First Name Last Name Designer City (Province) Website Social Contacts
SCULPTURES Company Name / First Name Last Name Designer City (Province) Website Social Contacts
A few questions for Vaprio Zanoni and Furio Ferri
Let’s start from the roots, how does your story begin? V: From a passion and inspiration, both for and from Mother Nature…