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1 _ Spazio Amorfini Garden
"Dall'alto al basso e poi di nuovo verso l'alto"
(From above to the ground and then back towards the light)
by Davide Boschetti
Winner of the 2024 Empathy Award
Raising our eyes to the naked moon, we see the indelible marks of the violent impacts it has endured.
The same marks, of a different nature, are found all around us. These craters indicate that Earth has fought similar and diverse battles, between meteorites and volcanoes, but its most recent scars are from bomb craters.
They expose, deform, and fuse the soil into dead depressions, changing the landscape and obliterating all forms of life. Now, where there was once a plain, there is a hole, and inside it, the wind does not blow as strongly; what is at the mercy of the wind outside comes to rest here.
Minerals, dust, sand, debris, ash, small carcasses, leaves, twigs, and seeds accumulate.
Water no longer flows away or evaporates as easily; it too comes to rest.
And it is here that life conquers a new environment, feeding on what the bomb has exposed, disinfecting the wound and adorning the scar. It absorbs, exploits, transforms, and balances everything that this new land offers.
“Dall’alto al basso e poi di nuovo verso l’alto” visually narrates the possible vegetative recovery of an extreme environment: the interior of the crater produced by the explosion of a nuclear bomb.
The verticality of the descent of the device, the sterilization of the earth from all forms of life, the formation of a puddle that from a cavity that slowly becomes a cradle, which can create and give impetus to a new pillar of life.
Davide Boschetti
Tavernelle di Licciana Nardi (MS)
for Amorfini Garden
Monti di Licciana Nardi (MS)
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A few questions to Davide Boschetti
Let’s start from the roots, how does your story begin?
It begins in the wild Lunigiana. I grew up with my hands in the soil, then artistic studies…