5 _ Spazio STIHL 

“SETA. Sustainable Environment and Textile Artwork.”

A few questions to Jonathan Arnaboldi and Matteo Pellicanò

Let’s start from the roots, how does your story begin?

Being passionate about nature and the environment from a young age, we pursued studies in agriculture at the Technical Institute of the Minoprio Foundatione. Over the years, multiple professional experiences have allowed us to mature and learn fundamental skills in our field. In particular, we have participated in several competitions and exhibitions in historic gardens throughout the national territory.

Who are the people who have inspired you the most artistically and professionally?

Among the various figures in the landscape and garden design field, we would like to mention Pietro Porcinai, an influential 20th-century Italian landscape architect. In particular, we appreciate his multi-scalar approach to design, ranging from urban parks to the private garden, always taking into account the specificity of places, and the innovative relationship between architecture, landscape and nature that he proposed through his projects. The legacy of his testimonies, also found in the Como area, represent important design references from which to draw inspiration.

How does nature inspire your projects and lifestyle?

Without a doubt, nature represents the ultimate expression of perfection. We can perceive this even from simply observing our surroundings, whether it’s a breathtaking sunset, fragrant spring blooms, or in front of an exciting view. Therefore, it is our first inspiration and way of life.

The trip you most want to take.

To go anywhere as long as traveling is synonymous with adventure. The beauty of travel lies in knowledge, the comparison with other cultures, and the perception of infinity: being able to discover new places, open our minds, and appreciate nature.

If you could be the main character in a movie, which one would you choose?

There is no particular film protagonist that represents us; in general, characters moved by a spirit of discovery, adventure, and creativity.

If you could make a tribute to the earth (soil), what would it be?

The best tribute one can pay to the earth lies in small actions to respect and conserve the environment and biodiversity, even through simple daily gestures. Only by adapting our lifestyle as much as possible to that of the environment can we project ourselves into a sustainable future: this is the lesson we must learn.

If your project were music, what track would it be?

Observing the project, you can notice the balance and perceive the harmony, the study of proportions, and the golden ratios. The work involves the viewer in an aesthetic experience that places him/her in front of a place that encapsulates a symbiosis between technique and nature. The song that best represents the installation is “Experience” by Ludovico Einaudi.

Which plant do you reflect yourself in and why?

The plant that most represents us is the oak tree, a native plant with slow but continuous growth. Symbol of endurance and cyclical renewal.

What does avant gardening mean to you?

The concept of avant gardening implies awareness of one’s actions. Knowing how to use all the knowledge, skills and strategies available to achieve a balance between the human and natural aspects, fostering biodiversity and intertwining the garden with outdoor ecosystems.

Five words for you closely related to the concept of land (soil).

Microbiology, balance, texture, organic matter and cyclicity.

Jonathan Arnaboldi
Matteo Pellicanò

Jonathan Arnaboldi

Matthew Pellicanò


Matteo Pellicanò, class of 1997, took several opportunities during his teenage years to expand his skills in the world of gardening: from his first steps at Orticolario to collaborating with Peverelli in the creation of the vertical green of the U.S. pavilion for Expo Milano 2015. Reaching the age of majority, he worked first in Rome as a gardener in the Vatican Gardens, and then Merano, in the Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle. After university studies in Agrotechnology for the Environment and the Territory, he started his own business in the Como area.

Jonathan Arnaboldi, a 2023 graduate in Landscape Architecture from Milan Polytechnic, a curious observer and passionate designer, makes graphic representation and attention to detail his signature style.
Previous experience as a gardener during his studies enabled him to build a professional skill set that still supports him in his work today.

Matteo and Jonathan, together, won the first special prize in EuroFlora’s “Meraviglia nei parchi” competition in 2018.
